Monday, October 10, 2005

The Victor

I just got back from my second annual Pop and Son fishing tournament. It is a silly little game my dad and I play, only now we are keeping score. It is a time where I go out to Colorado to spend a week fishing with my dad. My objective is to catch as many or more fish than my dad. Usually doesn't happen, but we share a great bonding time.

This year is a little different. This year in the closing hours of our challenge, thru freezing rain and blinding snow (really it hurt when it hit your eyes), and in the dark of the night I came away with two more fish than my dad.

I won!

Because of the snow and crappy weather we came back a couple days early. I got to spend a little bit of time with the rest of my family, which was good. However, I am being nagged by the fact that during that time they didn't see much of a change in me.

My family has seen me good, bad, and ugly. But they haven't seen me on a regular basis since I really committed to follow Christ, and since I became a pastor. Sure I don't' drink or use much of the same language I did back then, but what about me could show them the change God can make in a person's life, a person's character?

I mean they spoke God's name more than I did. I continue to struggle with how to share the God I love with my family who wants little or nothing to do Him? How do I invite my Dad to love God when he sees it as a grave weakness?

I feel like another opportunity slipped by, but I don't know how I was supposed to take advantage of that opportunity. How do you share Jesus with your family?

I drove home with the trophy in my backseat, but feeling like the loser in my heart.

Please God save my family...


Anonymous said...

I know your exactly how you feel, if you ever find a good way let me know! I have enjoyed reading your blog, thanks for your transparency and your thoughts. May God bless you as you strive to serve him.

Adam McLane said...

shayne, I share your prayer. Thanks for sharing you story.

Jamie said...

sharing Jesus with family is so much harder than sharing Jesus with strangers. I'm not exactly sure why but I think it's because they know us and we know them so well. I just keep praying for my brother-in-law and wait for the door to be opened hoping I'll have the courage to step through. I've enjoyed reading your blog. Blessings to you.